Ramblings of a Redhead Music Snob

Life & Music in New York, My City

Posts Tagged ‘Point Reyes’

Setting suns (pun intended as youll see soon)

Posted by xneverwherex on December 22, 2007


So theres so much to add and so little time. Its the story of my life and living in NYC, right? So lets go back a few weeks. I headed back to California to visit the family. It was quite nice actually, but sometimes I think I stay there too long and am so sick of the area. But then I see a photo and I wonder what I’m really giving up. I mean San Francisco is an amazing city. There is no city quite like it. So that I definitely miss and of course I have some amazing friends there too. I spent an evening in a coffee shop with a good friend of mine that I hadnt seen in years. And it was almost like I never left. Him and I talked for hours. It was quite great to going home and having friends like that. And of course, seeing my brother and sister-in-law is always a trip. Im not sure if him and I will ever get along, so going out can be a nightmare. Surprisingly, I bit my tongue and our lunch was quite nice to celebrate his birthday.

So yeah – that was my vacation in a nutshell. Oh I left out the spa I went to with some girlfriends. My god! I can use that all the time. It was pure relaxation for an hour and a half or so. I used to be so embarrassed about being completely naked in front of these massage therapists (as theyre so rightly called), but hell at this point Ive long since cared. I can seem to always pass out, but the major plus is when they start massaging your head. I think I need a boyfriend who does that.

On that note – I found this gorgeous picture of a) the golden gate bridge and b) a picture out towards the ocean that I went on a drive with my parents. Im so in love with the picture, that I sometimes amaze even myself and c) a California sunset that you can only get in one place 😉 (oh im so cheeky). But seriously, if youve never experienced a California sunset (and I mean on the ocean and all), please do so. I will say you wont regret it.

Going out here made me really remember how much I miss things like the oceans, mountains, hiking, forests, etc. I was blessed growing up in Marin County, and some days I do miss all that, but hell NYC has it all.

Pics to be added soon 🙂

View of Tomales Bay

Me @ Chicken Ranch Beach

Cali Setting Sun

Sunset in the clouds

Sunset at Point Reyes

View of Golden Gate Bridge from SF side

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